Tools of the Soil Science cluster

> The Peek app: Make an interactive excursion with the Peek app, and facilitate active dialogue about landscapes and surroundings. Peek is enhancing decision-making and improving estimation and mapping skills, and invites and stimulates active engagement and participation through a fun and interactive experience.
>The PIP approach is an inclusive bottom-up approach that engages people in environmental stewardship and sustainable change. In East Africa, it has motivated thousands of farmers to tackle land degradation and invest in their land. Based on their PIP, the households’ Integrated Farm Plan, these farmer families become actors of change, determent to make their vision become reality: a more resilient farm as the foundation for a more sustainable future.
> The SWAP (Soil, Water, Atmosphere, Plant) model simulates transport of water, solutes and heat in unsaturated/saturated soils. The model is designed to simulate flow and transport processes at field scale level, during growing seasons and for long term time series. It offers a wide range of possibilities to address both research and practical questions in the field of agriculture, water management and environmental protection.
>The Orchestra is a computer program for calculating chemical speciation and reactive transport. ORCHESTRA includes various advanced models for ion binding. It includes the NICA-Donnan model for ion binding to dissolved and particulate organic matter and the Generalized Two Layer Model (GTLM) and the CD-MUSIC model for ion binding to iron (hydr)oxides.