Development of a FSP model to determine dwarf tomato architectural ideotype for improved carbon assimilation in vertical farming

The aim of this project is to identify one or more architectural ideotypes of dwarf tomato plants that improve carbon assimilation in vertical farming. An existing Functional-Structural Plant Model (FSPM) is adapted and calibrated to simulate dwarf tomatoes in a vertical farm. We then evaluate and validate the accuracy of the FSPM light simulation by comparing it to in vivo measurements. The architectural characteristics of the plants will be quantified using simple 3D scanning technologies and user-friendly machine learning software. Leaf optical properties will be measured using a spectroradiometer, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) will be measured in the canopies. Based on simulation results, one or more ideotypes that maximize canopy carbon assimilation of the simulated dwarf tomato plants in vertical farming can be identified.

Objective: To investigate the effects of leaf area, leaf optical properties, leaf angles, and phyllotaxis on light interception in dwarf tomato plants grown in vertical farming at different developmental stages.

Specific Tasks:
-Manage vertical farm dwarf tomato plant experiement
-Measurements of plant architectural traits – possibly with 3D scanning technologies
-Calibrate/Validate FSPM model

    Used skills

    • Plant growth and development measurements
    • Architectural measurements
    • Data analysis
    • Plant phenotyping (e.g. leaf area, petiole length, pictures)
    • Taking care of plants in a vertical farm system
    • Performing climate chambers experiments
    • Programming

    Interested in doing a BSc or MSc thesis at HPP? Please contact Katharina Hanika or Kim Vanderwolk via the HPP office (