
Small RNA sequencing of ZIKV/USUV-infected Aedes japonicus mosquitoes

Abbo, Sandra R.; Visser, Tessa M.; Wang, Haidong; Göertz, Giel P.; Fros, Jelke J.; Abma-henkens, Marleen H.C.; Geertsema, Corinne; Vogels, Chantal B.F.; Koopmans, Marion P.G.; Reusken, Chantal B.E.M.; Hall-Mendelin, Sonja; Hall, Roy A.; Van Oers, Monique M.; Koenraadt, C.J.M.; Pijlman, Gorben P.


Aedes japonicus mosquitoes were collected from Lelystad, The Netherlands. Mosquitoes were orally infected with Zika virus or Usutu virus by blood droplet feeding.