Information for Applicants
The named funds of University Fund Wageningen (UFW) support students, young researchers and staff at Wageningen University & Research. Most funds offer financial support like travel grants or partial scholarships in a certain field of study. The travel grants give our students and young researchers the chance to acquire (international) experience and to strengthen their position in the job market.
Click on the name of the fund that you would like to apply for and read about its application requirements. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find what you are looking for.
Emergency Fund for students
- Anne van den Ban Fund
- Dairy Science & Technology Fellowship
- Paul Speijer Fund - Plant Sciences
- Nico Buisman Fund - Environmental Technology
- Pavlos Condellis Fund
Talent development during the study programme
- Fund Niels Smith – top student athletes
- Middelhoven Fund – travel grant for internships in the field of microbiology
- Aalt Dijkhuizen Fund - high tech knowledge in agri & food science
- Student Conference Grant - grant for MSc presentations at conferences
Young researchers
- HJS Fund - Agrobiology
- Storm-van der Chijs Fund - female PhD students at Wageningen University
- LEB Travel Fund - environmental sciences and developments in agriculture
- Lucie Timmermans Fund - young female researchers in animal biology
- Neys - van Hoogstraten Fund - social and economic research on food security Asia
- Marina van Damme Fund - young female WUR alumni who want to take the next step in their career