
Fellowships: Strategic WUR theme AI starts with new and young research results 

October 15, 2021

The first 6 Fellowships Data Science/AI were festively presented on Monday 11 October. Wageningen Data Competence Center organized an afternoon around the publications with presentations of the projects.

The 6 fellows received their certificates and flowers from Willem Jan Knibbe (Director of WDCC) and Anna Fensel (Associate Professor Data Science/AI). 

Further reading on the factsheets on the right side of this page. With these fellows we aim to establish a lively community in data science and AI. 

A second call of the Fellowship program was distributed within the organization on October 12. Interested researchers can apply for the program up to and including 20 November 2021. A Review Board then reviews all proposals. The selected fellows will have the time from January to November 2022 to work on their projects.