Onderwijsactiviteiten - dr.ir. W (Wopke) van der Werf
Advances in Intercropping
A PhD course “Advances in Intercropping” was given online via the graduate school Production Ecology and Resource Conservation at Wageningen University from 11-15 January 2021 (). The course brought together 30 students and 14 lecturers from all over the world, mostly European countries, but also, for instance, China, Brazil, Costa Rica and Indonesia. A diversity of topics was discussed during in depth lectures while students elaborated research proposals on different aspects of crop diversification. Recordings of the oral presentations of the 14 speakers are hosted on the ReMIX educational platform on intercropping which can be found at:
The presentation of the winning research proposal on crop diversification, developed by a group of five students, is also hosted at this URL. Furthermore, this URL has additional presentations by invited speakers which were used as background knowledge during the school. Despite being online, this school offered an inspiring platform for learning, discussion and knowledge exchange. The support from ReMIX and the graduate school PE&RC is gratefully acknowledged.
PHP21803 | Plant Pathology and Disease Epidemiology |
ENT20806 | Integrated Pest Management |
SBL50806 | Agrobiodiversity |
CSA70224 | MSc Internship Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA70724 | MSc Internship Crop Physiology |
CSA78324 | MSc Research Practice Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA78424 | MSc Research Practice Crop Physiology |
CSA80424 | MSc Thesis Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA70424 | MSc Internship Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA79324 | MSc Research Practice Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA79424 | MSc Research Practice Crop Physiology |
CSA80436 | MSc Thesis Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA80924 | MSc Thesis Crop Physiology |
CSA80936 | MSc Thesis Crop Physiology |
CSA80430 | MSc Thesis Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA70924 | MSc Internship Crop Physiology |
CSA34306 | Ecological Modelling and Data Analysis |
CSA20806 | Population and Systems Ecology |
PPS20306 | Systems Analysis and Modelling |
CSA34306 | Ecological Modelling and Data Analysis |
ENT20806 | Integrated Pest Management |
PPS20306 | Systems Analysis and Modelling |
PHP21803 | Plant Pathology and Disease Epidemiology |
CSA78324 | MSc Research Practice Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA79424 | MSc Research Practice Crop Physiology |
CSA79324 | MSc Research Practice Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA70924 | MSc Internship Crop Physiology |
CSA70424 | MSc Internship Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA70724 | MSc Internship Crop Physiology |
CSA70224 | MSc Internship Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA80936 | MSc Thesis Crop Physiology |
CSA80424 | MSc Thesis Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA80924 | MSc Thesis Crop Physiology |
CSA80436 | MSc Thesis Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA80430 | MSc Thesis Crop and Weed Ecology |
CSA78424 | MSc Research Practice Crop Physiology |
CSA20806 | Population and Systems Ecology |