Common part of the BSc Environmental Sciences

This page shows the courses which belong to the common part of the BSc programme Environmental Sciences.

First year

Below you can find the course schedule for the first year.

BES Courses Year 1
BES Courses Year 1
Course Period
Introduction Environmental Sciences 1
Sustainable Solutions to Environmental Problems 1
General Chemistry 1 1
Mathematics 1 or Statistics 1 1
Introductory Physics 2
Water 1 2
Introduction to Soil Geography 1 2
General Chemistry 2 3
Mathematics 2 3
Statistics 2 4
Mathematics 3 4
Environmental Policy Instruments 5
Microbiology and Toxicology 5
Ecology 1 6
Environmental Sciences and Society 6

Second year

In the second year you follow courses which are part of the common part of the programme, and specialisation courses which belong to the specialisation that you choose halfway through the second year. Below you can find an overview of the courses in the common part of the programme only. More information about the specialisation courses is available on the specialisations page.

year 2.png
Course Period
Air Quality 1
Introduction Environmental Technology 1
Sustainability Transitions: Concepts, Issues and Indicators 2
Introduction to Environmental Systems Analysis 2
Water 2 4
Principles of Soil Processes 4
Social Scientific Analysis of Environmental Issues 5
Environmental Project Studies 5, 6
International Study Visits Environmental Sciences 6

Third year

In the third year you take courses that are related to your specialisation (see the specialisations page) and you spend a consecutive period of six months on free electives. In this period of free electives you will have to select the courses yourself. You could for instance select a minor. At the end of your specialisation, you apply all of your knowledge and skills in an individual study of a topic of your choice.

courses year 3.png