JJ (Joline) Wierda MSc

JJ (Joline) Wierda MSc


I work as a PhD-candidate on a research project for creating healthy and sustainable food environments in hospitals and other health care organisations. My project is part of the Regio Deal Foodvalley, where Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University, Alliantie Voeding in de Zorg and many other organisations from the region work intensively together, to accelerate and study the transition towards more healthy and sustainable food consumption. Via this link you can find more information about my PhD-project.

I completed both my bachelor and master Nutrition and Health in Wageningen. It is a great pleasure to work as a PhD-candidate at the chair group Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles of Wageningen University & Research. My promotors are prof. dr. Emely de Vet and dr. Maartje Poelman (Wageningen University & Research) and dr. Marleen Gillebaart (Utrecht University).


Wierda, J.J., de Vet, E., Troost, E. et al. Characterizing food environments of hospitals and long-term care facilities in the Netherlands: a mixed methods approach. BMC Health Serv Res 24, 31 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-023-10399-6