SMM (Sofia) Wolfswinkel MSc

SMM (Sofia) Wolfswinkel MSc

Promovendus, PhD

In 2014 I started the BSc Business and Consumer studies (WUR). I completed a minor in Psychology and Research at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (VU) and found a fascination for consumer behaviour in relation to meat consumption (reduction). In 2018 I started the MSc Management, Economics, and Consumer studies - specialising in consumer psychology. I was selected for the Graduate Programme of Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS).Here, I got the opportunity to write a PhD Proposal for the WASS Open Round. In November 2020, I received a grant by WASS for my PhD-project:

Research - 'To meat up with peers': investigating the role of social norms in meat consumption
Reducing meat consumption is key to mitigate climate change and benefit human health. Despite the urgency of meat reduction, meat consumption is still increasing globally. Meat consumption is the norm for most people in western societies as the majority of the population consumes meat. Social norms are standards of what is appropriate behaviour for a social group in a given context and are considered strong drivers behind eating behaviour. The individual perception of social norms may constitute an important factor in driving meat consumption. Yet, to use the communication of social norms for effective meat reduction interventions, it is crucial that we first understand the current role of social norms in meat consumption. We currently lack a fundamental understanding of social meat consumption norm perceptions of meat consumers and how these norm perceptions predict meat consumption. Moreover, we lack insight into how social norm communications can be used effectively and sustainably for meat reduction. This project aims to understand the role of social norms in meat consumption and the effectiveness of social norm communication as a tool to reduce meat consumption
I work with a diverse and inspiring team: prof.dr. Emely de Vet (promotor, CHL, WUR), dr. Maartje Poelman (co-promotor, CHL, WUR), dr. Sanne Raghoebar (co-promotor, CHL, WUR), and dr. Hans Dagevos (co-promotor, WEcR, WUR).