International prior education

On this page you will find information on admission to a Bachelor’s programme at Wageningen University with a non-Dutch diploma.

If you want to know if you can be admitted, we advise you to apply via Studielink as soon as possible and before the application deadline. In case you can be admitted, we will inform you about the additional requirements you have to meet. More information on the application process can be found on this website.

Entry level requirements

For admission into one of the bachelor’s programmes at Wageningen University, the level of your secondary school diploma should at least be equal to the Dutch pre-university VWO level. If you click on the button below, a list with the most common secondary school diploma’s and requirements will open. If your diploma is not on that list, we still encourage you to apply so that we can assess your credentials.

We are currently updating our admission requirements for the September 2025 intake. The updated ‘Diploma Equivalency List’ will be published in the end of October 2024.

Subject requirements

Besides the entry level requirements also subject requirements are applicable. We require you to have studied specific subjects that are relevant to the bachelor’s programme of your choice. Below you will find an overview of the required subjects for each English taught bachelor’s programme.

Bachelor's programmes Mandatory subjects
Animal Sciences Mathematics + Chemistry + Biology
Environmental Sciences Mathematics + Physics + Chemistry
Food Technology Mathematics + Chemistry + Biology or Physics
International Land and Water Management Mathematics + Physics
Marine Sciences Mathematics + Chemistry + Biology
Soil, Water, Atmosphere Mathematics + Physics + Chemistry
Tourism Mathematics

It depends on your secondary school diploma whether the mandatory subjects are required to be taken on a specific level or as an additional exam. In your personal result letter we will inform you whether you meet the subject requirements or if you have to pass an additional pre-university (VWO) exams in order to meet our subject requirements.

Language requirements

For the English taught bachelor’s programmes, you have to meet the English language requirements. For the Dutch taught bachelor’s programmes you have to meet both the English and Dutch language requirements.

All the information regarding our language requirements can be found on this website.

International diplomas that include English on pre-university level

If you hold one of the following diplomas and English was one of the examination subjects, you can be exempted from further English language requirements.

If your diploma is not on the list stated underneath, the general language requirements apply.

Country Name of diploma
Austria Reifezeugnis / Reifeprüfungszeugnis
Belgium Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs, richting Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs
Denmark Studentereksamenbevis (STX) / Bevis for HØjere Forberedelseseksamen (HF)
Estonia Gümnaasiumi löputunnistus
Finland Studenteksamenbevis / Ylioppilastutkintotodistus
Germany Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur)
Hungary Gimnaziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány
Latvia Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību
Lithuania Brandos Atestatas
Luxembourg Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires
Norway Vitnemal for Videregående Skole
Romania Diploma de Bacalaureat (obtained after 2005)
Slovakia Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške (obtained from a Gymnázium)
Sweden Slutbetyg fran Gymnasieskolan
International diploma
International Baccalaureate Language of instruction English or English A Language and Literature
European Baccalaureate English 1 or English 2

Disclaimer: Please note that this list is provided as a guideline. No rights can be derived from the information stated above.

Specific Country Requirements

Wageningen University requires your diploma to be equivalent to the Dutch pre-university (vwo) level in order to be admitted. On the list below, you will find an overview of the admission criteria for different countries and diploma’s. If your country and/or diploma are not on this list, we still encourage you to apply for the bachelor program of your choice.

List: Specific Country Requirements.

If you have questions about it please contact SSC via the contact form.

Please note that specific subjects are required for every bachelor's programme.