Go/no-go and formal admission

15 months after the start of the PhD project you have to be formally admitted to the Wageningen PhD programme.

The procedure has to be completed in the PhD registration system Hora Finita.

Requirements to be formally admitted

  1. Approval of your (BSc and) MSc diploma(s), or completion of a Qualifying Exam (QE), see Entry Requirements bullet point 1
  2. Meeting the language requirements, see Entry Requirements bullet point 2
  3. Having an approved TSP
  4. Having an approved research proposal
  5. Positive Go/No-go evaluation by your supervisor(s), see below

Employed PhD candidates need admission in order to receive a contract extension for the rest of the PhD project.

The go/no-go evaluation

The go/no-go evaluation must be performed for each PhD candidate within 15 months after the start of the project. The decision for a "go" or a "no go" is based on an evaluation of the candidate’s performance by the supervisors. With a go decision, the supervisors express the expectation that the PhD candidate will be able to obtain his/her PhD degree. It is a vote of confidence, and shows the commitment of the supervisors to guide the PhD candidate towards the PhD defence.

A go / no go decision is taken by the supervisors; the candidate does not have the option to discuss but may formulate a response in the go/no-go form.

Preparing for the go/no-go evaluation

Do you know what you should do to receive a go from your supervisor?

We strongly advise you and your supervisor to fill in the go/no-go form already 6 months after the start of your PhD and to discuss the performance indicators that should be improved or elaborated further. This way, you still have time to improve your weak points and you won’t be faced with surprises when the formal go / no go decision is made.

Take a look at the Go/No Go form here.

Please be aware that this evaluation is NOT the same as the yearly Performance and Development Evaluation (PDE).