Teaching of the Centre for Crop Systems Analysis

The Centre for Crop Systems Analysis is involved in teaching several courses as shown below. Additionally you can do an internship or thesis at our department.

Our courses

We are involved in teaching several courses as shown below, at bachelor and master level. We are also involved in courses organised by other chair groups, as you can see in the list below. Our courses cover all aspects of crop ecology and physiology, from fundamental to applied. Several of our courses have modelling components; see the course descriptions for details. 

Courses with CSA course code

Course number Course title
CSA-10306 Crops and Cropping Systems (in English)
CSA-11302 Crop Recognition
CSA-11806 Agroecology and Agronomy I
CSA-20306 Soil-Plant Relations
CSA-20806 Population and Systems Ecology
CSA-30306 Advanced Crop Physiology
CSA-30806 Research Methods in Crop Science
CSA-31806 Grassland Science
CSA-32806 Modelling functional diversity in crop production
CSA-33303 Masterclass Resilient Farming and Food Systems
CSA-34306 Ecological Modelling and Data Analysis in R

Other courses with contribution of CSA

Course number Course title
BCT-23806 Principles of Biobased Economy
CLB-30806 Seagriculture: Seaweed Biology & Cultivation
ENT-20806 Integrated Pest Management
ENT-30306 Ecological Aspects of Bio-interactions
FEM-32306 Agroforestry
FSE-31806 Agroecology
FTE-50806 Conservation Agriculture
HPP-21306 Quantitative Aspects of Crop Production
HPP-23806 Crops, Physiology and Environment
HPP-32806 Process- and Data-Driven Modelling in Crop Science
MAT-52306 Advanced data analysis for agricultural research
PBR-31306 Bioresources
PEN-10503 Ecology I (in Dutch & English)
PHP-21803 Plant Pathology & Disease Epidemiology
PHP-32306 Perennial Plant Health
PPH-30806 Plant Plasticity and Adaptation
PPS-20306 Systems Analysis and Modelling
PPS-30806 Analysing Sustainability of Farming Systems
PPS-32306 Advanced Agronomy
SBL-50806 Agrobiodiversity
WEC-33806 Data Science for Ecology
WSG-35806 Climate Smart Agriculture
YMC-60809 Academic Consultancy Training

Thesis and research practices

For thesis and research practice options, please see our theses page.