Gender+ Equality Plan (2024-2028)

The WUR Gender+ Equality Plan (G+EP) enables to profit from collaboration in our efforts to advancing equality, diversity & inclusion, and social safety at WUR, and all of its activities. Its implementation ensures the further development of a Gender+-SMART WUR. The WUR G+EP is designed and formulated in line with the standards developed by the EU.

Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union and is one of the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG 5) and a cross-cutting theme in their programming. SDG 10 (to reduce inequalities) refers to an intersectional or gender+ approach that acknowledges that the gender dimension intersects with other relevant social dimensions of (in)equality. Examples of these are age, class, race/ethnicity, religion, locality, sexual orientation, health or civic status.

Next step to address biases, inequalities and capacity building

The G+EP is a next step to collectively address biases and inequalities in education and research, governance and leadership, recruitment and career support, social safety and work-life balance. This includes the strengthening of capacities among students and staff to accordingly contribute to WUR as institution and its social impact in WUR’s activities , programming, and partnerships. It strongly connects to earlier and existing activities to benefit most from the interconnections and synergies.

Download the PDF version of the Gender+ Equality Plan


The responsibility for the implementation is delegated by the Executive Board to the Deans of Education and of Research, and the Corporate director HRM. A working group consisting of staff from the various relevant domains is mandated with the execution. Annual working plans and progress reports, including monitoring and evaluation procedures, will guide the implementation.