Theses available at the Food Microbiology Laboratory
The Food Microbiology Laboratory provides the possibility for students to do their thesis in collaboration with our group. Below you can find a large variety of possible BSc and MSc thesis subjects.
Bachelor and Master thesis subjects
Ecology of Pathogens
- FHM-1.1 M: Antibacterial phytochemicals against Listeria monocytogenes
- FHM-1.2 M: Hygiene in the household kitchen: Human and microbiological behaviour
- FHM-1.3 M: Is there a microbiological selection bias in our enrichment-based detection method?
- FHM-1.4 M: Survival and growth of Campylobacter and Salmonella on raw chicken meat under different storage conditions typical of developing countries
- FHM-1.5 M: Quantitative microbial risk assessment of Salmonella and Campylobacter during consumer preparation
- FHM-1.6 M: Quantifying the microbial risk associated with chicken slaughter processes
Food Fermentation
- FHM-2.1 M: Fight or flight: improving starter culture production and functionality
- FHM-2.2 M: Exploring novel dairy applications for under-exploited food grade Propionibacterium species
- FHM-2.3 M: Thiamine as precursor for meat aroma compounds
- FHM-2.4 M: Innovation of tempeh using lupine
- FHM-2.5 M: Wild-card project as follow-up of PToFF project
- FHM-2.6 M: Stronger together: how complex and simple microbial communities from fermented milk affect the gut microbiota composition in a simulated model system (SHIME)
- FHM-2.7 M: Bacterial dispersal via fungal "highways" on cheese surface
- FHM-2.8 B: Global diversity in fermented food products
Physiology of Food-related Micro-organisms
- FHM-4.1 M: Stress-response and survival strategies of Bacillus cereus
- FHM-4.2 M: Identification of genes and molecular mechanisms involved in biofilm formation
- FHM-4.3 M: Resistant variants in bacterial populations
- FHM-4.4 M: Production and physiological functions of bacterial extracellular vesicles (EVs)
- FHM-4.5 M: Dry biofilms on food processing surfaces
Quantitative Microbiology & Food Safety Management
- FHM-5.1 B/M: How heat resistant are microorganisms?
- FHM-5.2 B/M: What are the growth kinetics of microorganisms?
- FHM-5.3 B/M: Milk spoilage at 0°C: what are main spoilers and their kinetics
- FHM-5.4 B/M: Food safety in balance with food security and sustainability
- FHM-5.5 B/M: Validation of food preparation practices