Diagnostic assay development
At Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR), new diagnostic tools are developed when required, e.g. when new pathogens emerge or new techniques become available. These new tests can be tailored to meet specific requirements of the customer or the application.
Development of new assays is enabled by the availability of expertise on a plethora of techniques, pathogens, hosts and host responses.
Real-time PCR or antibody detection
Many assays used in veterinary diagnostics are based on real-time PCR or antibody detection, and new assays in these formats are developed regularly for routine diagnostics or research purposes.
Innovative techniques
Innovative techniques are also embraced and applied. For example, next-generation sequencing is used to monitor dynamics of viral and bacterial populations during outbreaks, dedicated microarray platforms are used to detect and identify emerging viral pathogens, mass spectrometry is applied to identify bacteria as well as bacterial toxins, and multiplex serology is used for monitoring of avian influenza subtypes circulating in poultry.
Contact our expert
Please feel free to contact the expert of our contract research organization (CRO) if you have a question concerning assay development.