
Our aim is to bring knowledge into action. Therefore we offer a range of services, all of which are designed to help our partners and clients make progress towards sustainable and inclusive development. 


We design, facilitate and support innovation processes by process design and facilitation services. Our experts, methodologies and tools are suited to deal with complex processes. The people involved get inspired, critical choices are made, momentum is gained, and innovations emerge.  


We advise a broad variety of food system stakeholders from young professionals to experienced policy makers around the issues they face. We offer practical, fact-based, advise supported by the technical, economic and social expertise of Wageningen University & Research. 


Together with partners we combine research and practical work to improve strategies, practices and knowledge. We assess existing ways of working, test innovations and reflect on their impact. This paves the way for developing and improving technical, organisational and institutional capacities.  


We offer a range of capacity development services at different levels. Through open-access and tailor-made training activities and targeted support individuals, teams, organisations and institutions acquire new knowledge and skills.