Voeding en diabetes
Een op de vijftien Nederlanders heeft diabetes. Deze chronische aandoening houdt sterk verband met wat we eten. We bestuderen hoe voeding kan helpen om diabetes te voorkomen of behandelen. Zo heeft het eten van minder bewerkt vlees en meer groente en volkorenproducten een gunstig effect.
Circulating inflammatory proteins are elevated in type 1 and type 2 diabetes and associated to complications
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (2025), Volume: 27, Issue: 2 - ISSN 1462-8902 - p. 719-728. -
Burdens of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease attributable to sugar-sweetened beverages in 184 countries
Nature Medicine (2025) - ISSN 1078-8956 -
Data underlying the publication "Association of body mass index and waist circumference with long-term mortality risk in 10,370 coronary patients and potential modification by lifestyle and health determinants"
Diabetic glycation of human serum albumin affects its immunogenicity
Biomolecules (2024), Volume: 14, Issue: 12 - ISSN 2218-273X -
7th International Conference on Salutogenesis
Eating Speed Measurement Using Wrist-Worn IMU Sensors Towards Free-Living Environments
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2024), Volume: 28, Issue: 10 - ISSN 2168-2194 - p. 5816-5828. -
How to use salutogenesis to design a healthy eating programme for people with type 2 diabetes?
In: Everyday life and crises as opportunities for salutogenic transformation - Medical University of Lodz - p. 76-76. -
High-protein vegan and omnivorous diets improve peripheral insulin sensitivity to a similar extent in people with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (2024) - ISSN 1462-8902 -
Associations between Variability in Between- and Within-Day Dietary Intake with Adiposity and Glucose Homeostasis in Adults : A Systematic Review
Advances in Nutrition (2024), Volume: 15, Issue: 11 - ISSN 2161-8313 -
Momordica charantia fruit reduces plasma fructosamine whereas stems and leaves increase plasma insulin in adult mildly diabetic obese Göttingen Minipigs
PLoS ONE (2024), Volume: 19, Issue: 3 March - ISSN 1932-6203