Marine research at Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group

At AEW we have many projects involving the marine ecosystem. The two videos below give a good impression of the kind of subjects we study.

Ongoing PhD projects (per supervisor):

Marjolijn Christianen:

Susi Rahmawati -The impact of long-term megaherbivore overgrazing on carbon dynamic in seagrass ecosystems

Liesa Celie -Functional Consequences of Sea Turtle Hybridization

Caterina Coral - Revitalising North Sea Reef Ecosystem Services(ReViFES) (NIOZ, WUR)

Luuk Leemans, Socio-ecological connectivity of tropical coastal ecosystems: how to enhance restoration and conservation of ecosystem services, (RU, NIOZ, WUR)

Lea Kornau -Ecosystem functioning and foodwebs of fouling communities on artificial hard substrate in the North Sea

Han Lindeboom:

Wolf Mooij:

Peter Reijnders:

  • Sophie Brasseur; Individuality in grey and harbour seals in the Netherlands, reflected in distribution, diving behaviour and diet
  • Mardik Leopold; You are what you eat - how seabirds, seals and porpoises exploit food sources available to them

Finished PhD projects

Recent key publications