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Education - dr. VC (Valentina) Tassone

PhD and Post-doc supervision

Currently I supervise the following PhD and Post-Doc endeavours:

  • Integrating Ethics in Climate Change Education (PhD candidate Thijs Loonstra).
  • Transformative learning for sustainability: living labs as powerful learning spaces (PhD candidate Marlies van der Wee)
  • Towards Life affirming Higher Education in urgent times (PhD candidate Saskia Weijzen)
  • The role of human agency in transdisciplinary learning for sustainable development (PhD candidate Liu Weiwei)
  • Towards a Transformative Learning Ecology for Watershed Stewardship in the Manafwa Watershed, Eastern Uganda (PhD candidate Doreen Misanya)
  • Education for awareness: living labs for soil health and sustainability (Post-doc Divya Pandey)


During my classes, I engage with reflexive, experiential, and arts-based teaching methods. An example of personal and artistic initiatives taken by students within my course ‘Empowerment for Sustainability’ can be found here . For the coordination of this course, I received for three times a Wageningen University Excellent Education Award.

Furthermore, I facilitate (transdisciplinary) processes of participation in between academia and society. An example of awarded students’ projects, within the course ‘Academic Consultancy Training’ connecting academia-society which I coordinate, can be found here


ELS78324 MSc Research Practice Education and Learning Sciences
ELS80424 MSc Thesis Education and Learning Sciences
ELS70424 MSc Internship Education and Learning Sciences
ELS79324 MSc Research Practice Education and Learning Sciences
ELS70224 MSc Internship Education and Learning Sciences
YMC60809 Academic Consultancy Training
ELS32806 Educational Design and Teaching for Sustainability
ELS21806 Empowerment for Sustainability
ELS80436 MSc Thesis Education and Learning Sciences
ELS69312 Capacity Building for Sustainable Development