Facts and figures about Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has 7,044 employees, 13,564 students and 64,117 alumni. View important facts and figures below.

Students at Wageningen University & Research (October 2023)
Number of students (excluding PhD students):
13,564 in total
9,847 Dutch
3,717 Non-Dutch
Number of students per study phase:
5,661 BSc students
7,284 MSc students
112 pre-master

Programmes in 2023
20 BSc programmes
31 MSc programmes
49 Massive Open Online Courses
Chair groups

Wageningen University & Research in 2023
1 Faculty, 5 departments and 95 chair groups:
Agrotechnology & Food Sciences: 22 Chair groups
Animal Sciences: 12 Chair groups
Environmental Sciences: 20 Chair groups
Plant Sciences: 20 Chair groups
Social Sciences: 21 Chair groups

Number of professors in 2023
234 Professors
1 Rector magnificus
1 Dean of education
1 Dean of Research
92 Chair holders
88 Personal professors
51 Special/endowed professors
Alumni and University Fund Wageningen

Total number of alumni in 2023
64,117 in total
47,264 from the Netherlands,
6,458 from Europe
10,395 from outside Europe
University Fund Wageningen has 2,788 regular donors
Research and employees

Number of Employees in 2023
7,044 employees (in fte)
3,456 work at Wageningen Research
1,842 male and 1,614 female
3,588 work at Wageningen University
1,736 male and 1,851 female
Total number of PhDs in 2023
2,440 PhD candidates
WUR projects worldwide

WUR projects in 2023
Wageningen University & Research is active in many regions of the world. We work together with partners in research programmes.
Global engagement & partnerships

International collaboration
WUR collaborates with various partners and consortia such as Agrifood 5 Alliance, Agrinatura Association for European Life Science, Universities (ICA), CGIAR Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ruforum
Partnerships in the Netherlands
WUR collaborates with partners such as Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS), Dutch universities of technology (4TU Federation), Delta Climate Center, Foodvalley GroenPact, OnePlanet Research Center, Strategic alliance Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht, TO2 Federation, Wetsus

ERC Grants
11 Starting Grants since 2007,
12 Advanced Grants since 2007 and
8 Consilidator Grants since 2013
PhD Theses
359 PhD theses
Co-publications 2023

Number of co-publications in 2023
Number of co-publications in 2023 (co-authored publications) of Wageningen University & Research with partners from within an outside of academia, globally:
- Academic: 2,944 Wageningen University, 736 Wageningen Research
- Government: 1,137 Wageningen University, 350 Wageningen Research
- Corporate (business): 238 Wageningen University, 68 Wageningen Research
- Other: 187 Wageningen University, 64 Wageningen Research
- Medical: 147 Wageningen University, 26 Wageningen Research
Source: Scopus, Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. SciVal ®

Spin-off: a company established for the purpose of developing or exploiting WUR IP with formal contractual arrangements for the use of this IP.
Wageningen Campus
Organisations located on Wageningen Campus
230 organisations
168 SME's (including startups)
28 NGOs
27 corporates
7 institutes
Most sustainable campus
Wageningen Campus is the most sustainable campus according to the 2024 UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (8 years running)