Participating groups
The researchers who participate in WASS are based in 25 chair groups within two Wageningen University Sciences Groups, and in two Wageningen University & Research institutes.
There are various co-operations of WASS researchers with other researchers within and outside science group or institute, thus providing connections between the social sciences and the natural sciences and technical disciplines.
Department of Social Sciences
- Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy (AEP)
- Business Economics (BEC)
- Business and Management Organisation (BMO)
- Consumption and Healty Lifestyles (CHL)
- Development Economics (DEC)
- Education and Learning Sciences (ELS)
- Environmental Economics and Natural Resources (ENR)
- Environmental Policy (ENP)
- Health and Society (HSO)
- Information Technology (INF)
- Knowledge, Technology, Innovation (KTI)
- Law (LAW)
- Marketing and Consumer Behaviour (MCB)
- Operations Research and Logistics (ORL)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Public Administration and Policy (PAP)
- Rural and Environmental History (RHI)
- Rural Sociology (RSO)
- Sociology of Development and Change (SDC)
- Strategic Communication (COM)
- Urban Economics (UEC)
Department of Environmental Sciences
- Cultural Geography (GEO)
- Forest and Nature Conservation Policy (FNP)
- Land Use Planning (LUP)
- Water Resources Management (WRM)
Research Institutes
- Wageningen Economic Research
- Wageningen Environmental Research