Director and staff
The Director is responsible for all executive affairs of WIMEK and advises the board on WIMEK’s long-term plans and scientific direction, together with the participating groups. The WIMEK director has management meetings with the WIMEK chair holders to discuss the progress of the PhD candidates, recent developments within the chair group and recent developments of the research programme. Moreover, the WIMEK Director is member of Tenure Track evaluation committees and member of the Strategic Research Council at WUR (composition: Rector, dean of research and directors of the Wageningen Graduate Schools). WIMEK has also an important advisory role at the appointment of new chair holders and special professors.
The Director is supported by a team consisting of executive management and administration staff.
- PJGJ (Petra) Hellegers
Director - K (Koen) Wetser
Executive Secretary - PJ (Peter) Vermeulen
Education Co-ordinator and PhD Councelor -
E (Elackiya) Sithamparanathan PhD
PhD course and events coordinator -
dr. A (Antonija) Rimac-van Heerwaarden
PhD course coordinator -
AJ (Anouk) de Plaa MSc
PhD course and events coordinator -
ir. M (Marjolijn) Dannenburg
Information & Communication -
PG (Peter) van der Plas
Financial Officer -
dr. JR (Jillian) Student
Coordinator Inter-and transdisciplinarity