Library EURL GP
Publications, methods and other documentation relevant for the EURL.
EURL GP Methods

To receive information about the methods please send an email to eurl.growthpromoters@wur.nl
(raw) Milk and (bovine and pig) liver - determination and confirmation of corticosteroids - LC-MS/MS
Bovine and porcine urine and avian serum - the quantification and confirmation of thyreostatics - LC-MS/MS
Bovine and porcine urine, meat, fish and liver- the analysis of a large number of hormones - GC-MS/MS
Bovine hair - quantification and confirmation of zeranols - LC-MS/MS
Bovine hair - the confirmation of stanozolol - LC-MS/MS
- Bovine raw milk and egg - the quantification of resorcylic acid lactones - LC-MS/MS
- Bovine urine – detection, determination and confirmation of corticosteroids – LC-MS/MS
- Bovine urine - the confirmation of exogenous hormones - GC-C-IRMS
- Bovine urine, muscle and fish - the quantification of resorcyclic acid lactones - LC-MS/MS
- Feed - quantification and confirmation of thyreostatics - LC MS/MS
- Kidney - the quantification and confirmation of tranquilizers - LC-MS/MS
- Kidney fat – determination and confirmation of gestagens – LC-MS/MS
- Muscle, poultry liver, water and fish - the screening, quantification and confirmation of a selection of growth promotors - LC-MS/MS
- Urine - quantification and confirmation of boldenone, boldenone metabolites and conjugates - LC-MS/MS
- Urine - targeted metabolic profiling of natural hormones - LC-MS/MS
- Urine - the analysis of free and conjugated boldenone - GC-MS
- Urine and serum - the quantification and confirmation of natural hormones - GC-MS/MS
- Veal calves urine - the screening, quantification and confirmation of a selection of growth promoters - LC-MS/MS
Peer reviewed papers
Discrimination between the exogenous and endogenous origin of thiouracil in farm animals, the final chapter?
Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment (2021), Volume: 38, Issue: 12 - ISSN 1944-0049 - p. 2077-2090. -
Detection of methionine- and alanine-recombinant bovine somatotropins and their induced antibodies in serum and milk of cows suggests blood-milk barrier specificity for these compounds
Journal of Dairy Science (2021), Volume: 104, Issue: 4 - ISSN 0022-0302 - p. 5069-5078. -
Hand-Held Diode Laser for On-Site Analysis Using Transportable Mass Spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry (2021), Volume: 93, Issue: 23 - ISSN 0003-2700 - p. 8122-8127. -
Potential of recent ambient ionization techniques for future food contaminant analysis using (trans)portable mass spectrometry
Food Analytical Methods (2020), Volume: 13, Issue: 3 - ISSN 1936-9751 - p. 706-717. -
Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry for Food Analysis: An Update
Journal of chromatography (2019), Volume: 32 - ISSN 0378-4355 - p. 6-13. -
Development and validation of a semi-quantitative ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for screening of selective androgen receptor modulators in urine
Journal of Chromatography A (2019), Volume: 1600 - ISSN 0021-9673 - p. 183-196. -
A Fast Quantitative Multi-analyte Method for Growth Promoters in Bovine Meat Using Bead-Disruption, 96-well SPE Clean-up and Narrow-Bore UHPLC-MS/MS Analysis
Food Analytical Methods (2018), Volume: 11, Issue: 8 - ISSN 1936-9751 - p. 2206-2217. -
Multiclass screening in urine by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry for residues of sulphonamides, beta-agonists and steroids
Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment (2018), Volume: 35, Issue: 9 - ISSN 1944-0049 - p. 1703-1715. -
Enhancing detectability of anabolic-steroid residues in bovine urine by actively modulated online comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography - high-resolution mass spectrometry
Analytica Chimica Acta (2018), Volume: 1013 - ISSN 0003-2670 - p. 87-97. -
High resolution full scan liquid chromatography mass spectrometry comprehensive screening in sports antidoping urine analysis
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2018), Volume: 151 - ISSN 0731-7085 - p. 10-24.

Overview of Academic papers
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Open Access Publications
- Method development and validation for the simultaneous determination of 21 antiviral drugs by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in chicken muscle and liver
- Towards high throughput analysis using 96-well plate solid phase extraction to determine sedatives and β-blocker residues in food control monitoring
- Reducing manual targeted LC-MSMS peak integration using a supervised learning peak evaluation and automated review tool
- Antiviral drugs in animal-derived matrices_ A review
- Occurrence of resorcyclic acid lactones in porcine urine discrimination between illegal use and contamination
- Use of high-resolution mass spectrometry for veterinary drug
- Exploring the potential of using ion mobility-mass spectrometry to separate matrix interferences from analytes in food control
- Comprehensive steroid screening in bovine and porcine urine by GC-HRMS

Guidance documents
- Guidance on MMPR 01_2025
- Guidance on going performance verification
- Guidance on confirmation method validation
- Guidance on standard addition
- Guidance on standard addition - spreadsheet
- Guidance on extension of methods
- Guidance screening guidelines

EURL protocols

Other documents
- EURL-WFSR Reflection paper 2.0
- Annual_report_2019_VMP_sp.efsa.2021.EN-1997
- EFSA Supporting Publications - 2022 - - Report for 2020 on the results from the monitoring of veterinary medicinal products

Other EURL websites
- EURL for Antimicrobial and Dye Residues in Food, Anses-Fougeres, France
- EURL for residues of veterinary medicines and contaminants in food of animal origin, Berlin, Germany
- EU Reference Laboratories