Shared grassland innovations: Inno4Grass
Inno4Grass is the acronym for „Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe”
Inno4Grass is a three-year international and multi-actor project focussing on grassland innovations. Eight EU countries collaborate in exchanging information on innovations, disseminating research results and substantiating on-farm innovations with knowledge from research.
Within the Netherlands LTO, Wageningen Livestock Research and Aeres University of Applied Sciences/Dronten partner up to bridge the gap between practice and research. Better performance of grassland can be achieved only when innovations are implemented and further developed.
Learning networks
Inno4Grass is a consortium of prominent farmers‘ organizations, extension services, education and research institutions from Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands. In all these countries grasslands have a considerable share in the agricultural area, and is the production of dairy, beef and sheep of major economic importance. Although the circumstances, opportunities and challenges may differ between the countries, the international collaboration is expected to yield many new ideas, views, and methods which will also benefit Dutch farmers.
Innovation in the picture
Inno4Grass focusses on a wide variety of grassland innovations. Everything is possible as long as it is connected to grass. I.e. innovations to increase grass yield, stimulate diversity, create new market opportunities, affect labour issues, face certain local challenges, etc.
Each participating country will interview a few farmers about their on-farm innovations. Hereafter information from research, and visuals (photographs and videos) are combined with the interview to picture the whole innovation.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 727368.