Education Experience

Education Experience* is a team within the university that focuses on the needs of students, teachers, and staff by gathering their feedback to advise the Wageningen University & Research (WUR). We aim to enhance the information and services available to students and teachers.

*We are also called Student Experience.

What do we do?

We organise sessions every period of the academic year on certain topics. During these sessions, students and/or teachers & staff will discuss them and provide their feedback. We will then process this input and the insights gained will be used to advise the university on how to improve education at WUR.

How do we do it?

During these sessions, we map the wishes and needs of students and teachers, using various methods such as:

- Journey Mapping
- Design Thinking
- Make your Mark
- Awareness Mapping

What have we done so far?

We have organised sessions on various topics such as "Career Services'', ''Sense of belonging at WUR'' and ''Skills''. If you have any questions/ideas for sessions, make sure to contact us using the contact form on this page.

What's next? (Upcoming topics)


What are your weblecture habits? How does the flexibility and accessibility of weblectures influence your study skills? Join us during one of our journey mapping sessions aimed at understanding how and why you use weblectures in your study. Your input will help us identify opportunities where weblectures can improve as an important tool in your education.

Session moments are planned for the 25th of September or the 2nd of October.

Sense of Belonging

To what extent do you feel at home at WUR and in Wageningen? What do you see around you and do you have ideas for WUR’s community? Join us during a journey mapping session! In small groups, you will create a map of what it means to feel at home as a student at WUR. With this, we will look at opportunities within the WUR community to enhance the sense of belonging for all students.

A session moment is planned for 9th of October.

Keep up with us!

To be updated on new sessions and other events we organise, make sure to follow us on Instagram and myWURtoday!

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