Research@WUR shows publications, research expertise and collaborations worldwide at the individual and organisational hierarchical levels. Many publications are full text and freely accessible. This is indicated by the Open Access logo. Research@WUR is updated daily.
Research Credits
Go to your My Library page to check your research credits and a publication overview of your department.
Your personal page
Research@WUR includes an overview of researchers’ expertise, publications, collaboration networks and activities that are registered in the WUR Research Information System Pure.
- Are you a researcher and your personal page is missing? Please change the settings in your We@WUR page from private into public.
- Is your list of WUR publications complete? Ask your Pure contact to add the missing research output in Pure.
- Do you want to add or change your profile photo? Please do that yourself in We@WUR.
Research@WUR Help
Do you have questions about Research@WUR? Please check the Research@WUR Help page for more explanation or contact the Servicedesk via the contact form on the bottom of the Research@WUR page.
About Research@WUR
Research@WUR contains references to publications by Wageningen University staff from 1976 onwards. Publications authored by the staff of WUR Research Institutes are available from 1995 onwards. Full text documents are added when available. Research@WUR currently holds almost 300,000 items, of which 14,000 are Open Access. We're working continuously on adding older publications from Wageningen University & Research as well.
Staff Publications
You can also still search in Staff Publications.