Bachelor Thesis
The subjects for a BSc thesis are associated with the group's core research innovation themes;
· Economic Performance
· Risk management
· Economics of Healthy Animals, Plants and Food
· Sustainable Food Production
Students who would like to do their BSc thesis at BEC need to make an appointment for an intake with the BSc thesis coordinator, dr Monique Mourits,
Students are expected to prepare themselves for the intake meeting by making them familiar with the BSc thesis protocol and by exploring their research interests. At the intake meeting, the thesis coordinator will discuss – based on the indicated research interests of the student - the possibilities of a thesis topic and will also assign one of the staff members of the group as thesis supervisor.
Once the student has made contact with the assigned supervisor, he/she will further demarcate the intended research subject. During the first meeting with the supervisor, students will obtain further information about the thesis trajectory and requirements.
If you want to read more about “how to perform a Bachelor thesis at BEC”, visit our “Business Economics – Thesis, Internship, Reserach practice” Brightspace. (Use the Discover tab in Brightspace to find us and to enroll yourself.) In case you want to orientate or if you have any questions about doing a thesis in the field of Business Economics, you can always contact the BSc thesis coordinator.