Monitor Market Functioning
Each company in the agricultural value chain should benefit from equal opportunities, from a cocoa farmer in Ghana to major European fruit and vegetable traders and from street vendors in Thailand to multinational online retailers. But all too often, trade barriers and unfairtrade practices stand in the way of fair pricing and fair margins for every link in the production chain. Wageningen Economic Research supports companies and policy makers in promoting their societal ambitions without harming their business objectives.
Equal opportunities for every link in the chain
Wageningen Economic Research investigates market forces in agricultural markets and examines what the risks of improper functioning mean for government authorities, inspection bodies, insurance companies and businesses on a global basis. We identify the effects that policy measures and fraud have on companies and sectors in different countries and we support policy makers and regulators in their strategic choices at both national and international level.
Why choose Wageningen Economic Research:
- Evidence-based insights into international value chains, agricultural financial markets and legislation
- Insights into your unique situation or the sector in which you operate
- Decades of being a front-runner in innovative global market research
- Extensive network of experts and a unique knowledge of and data on global agricultural and food markets
- State-of-the-art economic models and financial domain expertise
- Agro-Nutri Monitor 2021 - Hoofdrapport: Monitor prijsvorming voedingsmiddelen en analyse belemmeringen voor verduurzaming (Agro-Nutri Monitor 2021; Main report: Monitor food prices and analysis obstacles to sustainability, Dutch only)
- Agro-Nutri Monitor 2021 - Achtergrondrapport: Monitor prijsvorming voedingsmiddelen en analyse belemmeringen voor verduurzaming (Agro-Nutri Monitor 2021; Background report: Monitor food prices and analysis obstacles to sustainability, Dutch only)
- Monitoring of prices and margins in EU food supply chains
- Factors driving up prices along the food value chain in Switzerland – Case studies on bread, yoghurt, and cured ham
- Agro-Nutri Monitor 2020; Monitor prijsvorming voedingsmiddelen en analyse belemmeringen voor verduurzaming (Agro-Nutri Monitor 2020; Monitor food prices and analysis obstacles to sustainability, Dutch report with English summary)