E-learning modules
Use the e-learning modules developed by the Library for self-study or to refresh your information literacy skills.
Competency areas
WUR Library has defined six competency areas (sets of skills and understandings) for Information Literacy.

WUR Library has developed a large range of e-learning modules per competency area. Check the list on the right, or scroll down below to get a description of the available e-learning modules and access to them. The e-learning modules work best on the computer. Some modules can also be done on other devices (indicated at the begining of the module).
Information Literacy e-learning modules
In this module, you'll learn what it means to be information literate and why it is important.
< 0.5 hour to complete
Orientate, prepare, and search
In this module, you'll learn how to recognise different types of information sources, how to search for publications and how to locate and access them.
1 - 1.5 hours to complete
In this module, you'll learn where and how to gather information for orientation on a research topic, how to focus your topic for a systematic search and how to choose relevant sources.
1 - 1.5 hours to complete
In this module, you'll learn how to translate your research question into a search query to do a systematic search in various databases, how to improve your search results, when to stop searching and how to manage your search queries.
1 - 1.5 hours to complete
Bibliographic databases
Scopus is a bibliographic database in which you can find records of scientific articles, reviews and books on all kinds of scientific topics. This module shows some of the specific features of this database and its search system.
0.5 hour to complete
PubMed is a database on biomedicine, health and life sciences. In this module, you'll learn how PubMed adapts and enhances your search when you do a simple search as well as how to use the MeSH database and field tags.
0.5 hour to complete
SciFinder-n is a database of chemical literature. In this module, you'll learn what kind of information is covered by SciFinder-n, how to register for SciFinder-n, and how to search in SciFinder-n by topic of by chemical structure.
0.5 - 1 hours to complete
Evaluate, and manage
In this module, you'll learn how to evaluate the quality and trustworthiness of your information and to select the most appropriate information sources.
0.5 hour to complete
In this module, you'll learn how to cite and reference correctly, how to avoid plagiarism, what sources to cite, how to make in-text citations, and how to write a reference list.
0.5 - 1 hour to complete
In this module, you'll learn why to publish your scientific work, how to choose the most appropriate journal to publish in, what peer review is and why it is important for scientific practice, how to describe the process of publishing in a scientific journal, and which platforms are available to promote your publication.
0.5 - 1 hour to complete
In this module, you'll learn the basics of Dutch copyright law, about plagiarism and copyright infringement, and about the different between plagiarism and copyright infringement.
0.5 hour to complete
In this module, you"ll learn advanced issues of Dutch copyright law. Who is the owner of copyright and what are the owner's rights, how can you recognise and (re)use copyright protected materials, what are Creative Commons licenses and where can you find open materials.
0.5 hour to complete
Sometimes you need data to answer your research question. In this module, you'll learn where and how to look for data online, and how to reference the data you reuse.
0.5 hour to complete