For PhD candidates
The Library supports PhD candidates with searching & organising literature, publishing, citing, copyright issues, and research data management.
Starting your PhD
Join a introductory session at the start of your PhD and register for a course on searching and organising literature for PhDs. Please consult the information below for dates.
Using the Library
Information on the opening hours of the Forum Library and the Leeuwenborch Library.
Courses and demos
The Library trains students and staff on how to effectively find, obtain, use, manage, and publish scientific information. Choose your topic or check the calendar below.
Publishing for PhDs
Think about your publishing strategy and how to reach your target audience. Observe copyrights and beware of predatory journals. You can measure and manage your research impact in different ways. Measure your impact with Bibliometrics or Altmetrics, or with SciVal.
Research data
Information on finding and managing your research data.
Searching and organising literature
How do you find the right sources for your literature search? Which tools can you use to organise the references? Inform yourself properly before you start.
PhD thesis
All the information you need about submitting your PhD thesis or about publishing parts of your thesis as articles in scientific journals can be found here.
Library support
Get immediate support on finding and using databases, EndNote, questions about your H-index, ORCID, open education or reader agreements. Please contact your Faculty liaison officer or one of the other information specialists.