Courses and demos
The Library trains students and staff on how to effectively find, obtain, use, manage, and publish scientific information.
The training programme is available for students, PhD candidates and researchers. Courses, demos and workshops are offered on a regular basis, depending on the number of participants. Often, participation is free.
Choose your topic or check the calendar below!
Finding scientific information
The Library trains students and staff on how to effectively find scientific information and use the library's resources.
Citing and referencing
Learn how to cite and refer to sources properly and how to manage your references.
Data management and publishing
Learn more about research data management, publishing and reviewing scientific papers.
Graphic design
Learn how to create scientific illustrations and infographics using Adobe Illustrator and how to lay out academic documents using Adobe InDesign.
Introduction to GitLab
WUR Library's Research Support team organises workshops on GitLab, in collaboration with the eScience Center and based on the Software Carpentries curriculum. See the Calendar for the upcoming workshops.
WUR Library essentials
WUR Library essentials is a series of short, practical webinars designed to help you find and use library services & resources effectively.
Go to
Introduction to WUR Library for PhD candidates (online session)
EndNote, demonstration session
Searching and Organising Literature for PhD Candidates
EndNote, demonstration session
Adobe Illustrator - scientific artwork & infographics
WUR Library essentials: discovering key services and collections
Introduction to WUR Library for PhD candidates (online session)
WUR Library essentials: author profiles and impact analysis
Adobe InDesign - from dissertation layout to poster design
WUR Library essentials: systematic searching for literature