Request a DOI
Why do I need a DOI?
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) provides a unique persistent reference to your publication. The DOI is an internationally accepted identifier and remains the same even if the publication's URL changes. Using DOIs will simplify finding and referring to WUR reports. More background information about DOIs can be found on crossref.org.
Who can request a DOI and how does it work?
If you are a staff member of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and you are planning to publish a WUR report, WUR Library can supply you with a DOI for your publication. You can request one yourself. The DOI must be added to the report before publication. The DOI-link will not be active until a PDF of the final report is added to a requested DOI and/or the report's embargo has ended.
To request a DOI, follow these steps:
- Go to your personal My Library page and log in if you are not logged in yet
- Look for the tile called 'Request new DOI'
- Click on the button
- On the start page of this application is more information about the process.
- Click on in the menu on the left
- Choose Report
- Fill in the requested fields and click on Save
- You now have a DOI number you can use in your publication
- Once you’ve completed your report, you can also use this tool to upload the PDF of your report.
Do you need help? On the DOI-tile in My Library you'll find a help-file to guide you through the procedure. Do you have questions about the procedure? Please email us. We'll be happy to help you.
Do I need an ISBN for a report or my thesis?
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identification number for printed monographs (e.g. books, theses, proceedings, reports, cd-roms). An ISBN is no longer required for PhD theses and the doctoral degree regulations have been changed accordingly. For most WUR publications, a DOI has replaced the function of the ISBN. Only if you also want to publish your report in print, you'll need an ISBN. The Library doesn't issue ISBNs anymore. On the ISBN website you can register for an ISBN.
DOI for a PhD thesis
A DOI for your PhD thesis will be automatically assigned in Hora Finita. You can find this DOI in the mail that you receive when your opponents have been approved. Alternatively, you can find your DOI in the form that appears when you click the “Submit thesis” option in your Hora Finita PhD checklist.