Subsidy for SSAs
Student sports associations (SSAs) can apply for different subsidies. Below the subsidies are explained.
The following subsidies can be applied for by an SSA:
1. Association subsidy: each SSA receives a fixed amount of € 120,- per calendar year when the required financial documents (budget, clearance and balance) are handed in at and accepted by SWU Thymos before the 1st of April.
2. Clothing subsidy: every SSA can claim a subsidy for the purchase of competition uniforms with the WUR logo on them. The yearly subsidy amount depends on the number of members with yearly student sports rights: € 150,- for SSAs with fewer than 30 members, € 200,- for SSAs with a membership of 30 to 50, € 250,- for SSAs with a membership of 51 to 70, € 300,- for SSAs with a membership of 71-90, € 350,- for SSAs with a membership of 91-110 and € 400,- for SSAs with more than 110 members.
For more information: see the subsidy form
3. Material subsidy: every SSA can receive subsidy from SWU Thymos for the purchase of small material. There are two moments per year when material requests are assessed: after April 1st and after November 1st. So make sure that the subsidy application has been sent to SWU Thymos before this date.
For more information: see the subsidy form
4. Subsidy for training and education: SSAs can receive a contribution towards the costs of a course to educate an association member. SWU Thymos contributes 50% to the costs of the course, up to a maximum of € 250,- per SSA per calendar year. Costs include registration fees, examination fees and costs of the course material (not: food, accommodation and transport). This contribution will be transferred to the relevant SSA, not to the student himself. Courses for trainer / coach / referee / jury member / sports climbing instructor, etc. are covered by this subsidy.
For more information: see the subsidy form
5. Professionalization subsidy: SWU Thymos wants to encourage SSA boards to professionalize themselves and the association. That’s why three levels of professionalization have been devised to make the requirements transparent. The amounts that an SSA can receive per level are respectively € 50,-, € 100,- and € 150,- per calendar year. The SSA must submit the application form and a proof document to the board before December 1st. The application is then assessed by SWU Thymos. A new application must be submitted every year.
For more information: see the subsidy form
6. Subsidy on external training locations: this subsidy is intended to support SSAs financially in organizing a training weekend at an external location. An external location is considered a remote location when the location deviates from the regular training location. The subsidy amount is 50% of the costs for renting or accessing the external location, up to a maximum of € 150. An SSA can apply for this amount once per calendar year.
For more information: see the subsidy form