Quality Assurance

Wageningen University has several internal and external processes to ensure the quality of its programs. The external process for accreditation takes place through the six-yearly external visitations (in accordance with the assessment framework of the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO).

The accreditation decisions and panel reports (in Dutch) can be viewed on the NVAO website.

Development interviews

Part of every assessment is a development interview with (part of) the external panel. The recommendations resulting from the development interviews can be viewed here (some available in English):

BSc MSc Language
BSc Agrotechnologie MSc Biosystems Engineering NL
BSc Bedrijfs- en consumentenwetenschappen MSc Management, Economics and Consumer Studies NL
BSc Biologie MSc Biologie EN
BSc Biotechnologie MSc Biotechnology; MSc Bioinformatics NL
BSc Bos en Natuurbeheer MSc Forest and Nature Conservation NL
BSc Communicatie en Life Sciences MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences
BSc Gezondheid en Maatschappij
BSc Internationale ontwikkelingsstudies MSc International Development Studies EN
BSc Landschapsarchitectuur en Ruimtelijke Planning MSc Landscape Architecture and Planning NL
BSc Moleculaire Levenswetenschappen MSc Molecular Life Sciences NL
BSc Plantenwetenschappen MSc Plant Sciences; MSc Plant Biotechnology NL
MSc Organic Agriculture NL
BSc Voeding en Gezondheid MSc Nutrition and Health NL
BSc Animal Sciences MSc Animal Sciences NL
BSc Environmental Sciences MSc Environmental Sciences; MSc Urban Environmental Management NL
BSc Food Technology MSc Food Technology; MSc Food Quality Management; MSc Food Safety NL
BSc International Land and Water Management MSc International Land and Water Management NL
BSc Soil, Water, Atmosphere MSc Earth and Environment NL
BSc Tourism (joint degree) EN
MSc Tourism, Society and Environment EN
MSc Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management NL
MSc Climate studies NL
MSc Development and Rural Innovation NL
MSc Geo-information Science NL
MSc Water Technology (joint degree) NL
BSc Economie en Beleid NL
MSc Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (joint degree) EN
MSc Biobased Sciences Not applicable