Dairy Science & Technology Fellowship

The Dairy Science & Technology (DST) Fellowship supports students in pursuing the DST-specialisation, which focuses on milk and its transformation into milk products.

How to apply

You must have applied for the specialisation before being able to apply for the Dairy Science & Technology Fellowship.

Content of the specialisation

Dairy Science & Technology is a MSc specialisation of Food Technology at Wageningen University. Furthermore, it includes a joint programme offered in coordination with the dairy technology department of the University of Copenhagen. Both specialisations have a duration of two years, are taught in the English language and are aimed at students with a bachelor in food- or life sciences.

Students conduct research of the composition, quality and the nutritional value of milk and dairy products during the specialisation.

The three main research themes are:

  1. The variability in the composition of milk;
  2. The causes of variability in the composition of milk;
  3. The valorisation of the variability based on (future) consumer demands.

Student experiences

Reznek, Romania

'I very quickly realised that with my background in Food Quality Control, I would have to study extra hard to stay on top of the material in the specialisation. I should also say that the differences in the way in which programs are organised in the Netherlands and in Romania also played a role. So, to keep up, I decided to take courses that were related to Food Technology.

In my first year at Wageningen University I learned a lot. And by that I mean not only collecting information, but I also learned how to better understand the information I was given and apply that knowledge in practice. Because I had the option to work with two companies, I also learned to better understand the way people work in industry.

All the courses I took included practical work, case studies or research assignments. Most assignments were team projects, and this gave me the chance to improve my interpersonal and communication skills in an international environment.'

Vaida, Lithuania

'I'm glad that during my first year as a Wageningen University student I was able to gain so much experience.

During the courses, I really learned how to develop and formulate research objectives. I also learned to draft a detailed work plan. That will certainly come in handy in my future studies. I also learned to interpret data and evaluate it in relation to my objectives. Because I gave a number of oral presentations, I also learned how to defend my research results. During the projects, I worked with an experienced team. This taught me how to work with other people to come up with innovative solutions together. I also improve my language skills a lot, which gave me more self-confidence.

The knowledge that I gained at the university and the research methods exceeded my expectations. I found the course is very useful and I certainly expect to be able to apply the knowledge I acquired in my individual graduating project and my internship. At the same time, I would really like to get better at writing reports, so I can do that at the academic level. Because I would really like to go on to get a PhD.'