WUR Library

WUR Library News

Keep up to date with the latest developments for students and staff. The WUR Library newsletter is send by e-mail, approximately 8 times per year.

  • September 16, 2024
    Extended opening hours for exams
    The first exams of the academic year approach! To accommodate the increased demand, we're extending our hours during the self-study and exam weeks. Be sure to reserve your study spot through TimeEdit to guarantee your space. Best of luck on your exams!
  • September 9, 2024
    Ordering books for WUR? There is a new mandatory supplier from January 2025
    Starting 1 January 2025, all WUR organisational units must order books and ebooks exclusively from the Erasmus Bookstore Amsterdam. This applies to central book acquisitions by the Library and individual department orders. The new procurement contract stems from a mandatory European tender.
  • September 6, 2024
    New in the collection: The Economist
    Follow the latest news from the world of international politics and economy. WUR staff and students now have access to The Economist. This leading weekly newspaper covers international affairs, the global economy, business, politics, technology, and culture.
  • September 3, 2024
    Improving Library e-learning accessibility
    At WUR Library, we want to ensure that our e-learning material is accessible to everyone. To do this, we’ve started a new project to improve the digital accessibility of our e-learning modules.
  • September 3, 2024
    From downloading to crediting: how to attribute images
    Just as you must cite the source when using someone else's text, it's equally important to credit the creator and source when you reuse images in your work. You also need to check if you can legally reuse the image from a copyright point of view. You should then properly attribute these images. The following tips from the Copyright Information Point (CIP) explain how to do that.
  • September 2, 2024
    Registration open for the Wageningen Model and Data Day 2024
    On 17 October 2024, you can join another edition of the Wageningen Model and Data Day. This event is for all data, software, AI and model enthusiasts at WUR. You can register now.
  • September 2, 2024
    Use Lean Library to detect hijacked journals
    Last week, the Library embedded a hijacked journal list into Lean Library. Now, you can check with the Lean Library plug-in if you're on a cloned journal’s website. This can prevent submitting and paying a publication fee to fake journals.
  • September 2, 2024
    The Open Science story of Peter Tamás
    For this Open Science story, we interviewed Peter Tamás. Peter is a lecturer and researcher in research methodology at the Biometris group. He explains how GenAI technologies and natural language processing (NLP) can improve qualitative analysis and systematic review.
  • August 16, 2024
    Join the National Open Science Festival and Barcamp 2024
    The National Open Science Festival will take place on Tuesday 22 October at Maastricht University. You can also attend the Barcamp on Monday 21 October, organised by the Dutch network of Open Science Communities (OSC-NL. Registration is currently closed due to high demand. More spots will be released soon; please join the waiting list through the registration portal.
  • August 14, 2024
    Peatlands Weerribben-Wieden in historic photos
    Recently, WUR Library digitised a special collection of historical photographs on peat extraction in the Weerribben-Wieden. Now, you can view the photos in the WUR Image Collections.
  • August 12, 2024
    Join the new series of Library essentials webinars
    This autumn, you can join a fresh series of Library Essentials webinars. Each session covers a topic that is directly beneficial to your work, such as literature review, research data management, open access publishing, copyright in educational materials, and author profiles & impact.
  • August 6, 2024
    Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams open access quota soon to be reached
    The 2024 maximum for free-of-charge open access publishing in Lippincott, Wilkins & Williams (LWW) journals is expected to be reached by mid-September 2024. Once the quota is reached, WUR authors will have to pay the Article Processing Charges (APCs).
  • July 11, 2024
    Nominations for The Dutch Data Prize 2024 are open!
    Every two years, the Dutch Data Prize is awarded to an individual or team that makes research data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
  • June 25, 2024
    Springer Nature Fully Open Access quota has been reached
    As of 25 June 2024, the quota for the discount on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Open Access publishing in BMC and Springer Nature Fully Open Access journals has been reached for the year 2024.
  • June 20, 2024
    Semantic Scholar, an AI tool to complement your literature search
    Semantic Scholar is an AI tool you can use to search for scientific literature. You can use it to start your literature search by gathering a few papers before searching in bibliographic databases.
  • June 20, 2024
    Collections in the spotlight: Nature Portfolio
    Nature Portfolio is a fundamental part of the Library’s collection. We've gathered data on how frequently WUR researchers read these journals and how often they publish in them. We’ve also asked WUR researchers about their experiences with the editorial process of Nature portfolio journals.
  • June 20, 2024
    Generative AI and copyright: how does it work?
    Generative AI tools can generate large amounts of text or images in an instant. In this article, we discuss several copyright aspects you should consider when using GenAI.
  • June 17, 2024
    Are you a WUR student with a functional disability? Your insights are crucial!
    The Library is looking for students with a disability to help us improve the Library’s digital learning materials. The Library is organising several sessions where you can share your unique perspectives and experiences in return for a gift card.
  • June 17, 2024
    Tool tip: How to check for problematic papers?
    Scientific publishing is facing a huge increase in fake and fraudulent papers. In this article, we discuss a set of tools to gauge the legitimacy of research articles. These tools can help you lower the chances that you cite retracted or problematic papers.
  • June 17, 2024
    Looking for a WUR teacher with an interest in Open Educational Resources
    Would you like to contribute to the reuse and sharing of educational resources at WUR? Do you create, share or use Open Educational Resources (OER) in your courses or have an opinion about them? The Coordinating Group OER (in Dutch: Regiegroep) is looking for you!
  • June 13, 2024
    Users' opinion to improve education
    WUR Library Education Support team teaches the MOS module ‘Finding and using literature for your MSc thesis’ with ~250 students per year. The team reflected on how students and teachers experience the course by using user-centered techniques, including break-up letters and diaries. The results were used to improve the teaching materials.
  • June 13, 2024
    Text and data mining | publisher policies
    The Library subscribes to numerous full-text databases and journals. This article discusses everything you need to know about publishers' policies regarding text and data mining within these databases.
  • June 11, 2024
    Graduating this summer? Please return your Library books!
    Congratulations to everyone who is graduating this summer! We wish you all the very best for the future. Before you leave Wageningen, please make sure you've returned your Library books!
  • June 10, 2024
    Finding more open content with Unpaywall integration
    The Library has recently integrated Unpaywall into its Get It link resolver. This allows library users to find more Open Access versions of articles from sources we don’t subscribe to.
  • June 3, 2024
    Interactive video installation IMU in Forum Library
    WUR Library is currently exhibiting the interactive video artwork I M U by artist Juul van der Laan. I M U is a philosophical essay in images that invites reflection.
  • May 28, 2024
    Rector kicks off Open Science & Education campaign
    Transparency, collaboration and building on each other's work: don't we all want that? In recent years, WUR has taken several steps in the field of Open Science. For instance, almost all publications are open access. But much more is still possible! To encourage more open science practices, WUR has started a university-wide campaign.
  • May 16, 2024
    Online bookshelf: LGBTQ+ inclusion
    The Library has recently acquired several books to promote awareness and understanding of LGBTI+ inclusion. We encourage you to explore the topics covered in these books and gain a deeper understanding of different identities and experiences.
  • May 3, 2024
    WUR is close to 100% Open Access
    In 2023, 98% of the peer-reviewed articles by WUR corresponding authors were published Open Access! A big thank you to our researchers for publishing Open Access, enhancing the visibility and impact of WUR’s research findings.
  • May 3, 2024
    Check, share & teach: copyright for teachers
    Teachers often use copyrighted scientific literature in their courses. However, journal articles, reports and books cannot be posted on Brightspace without restriction. You have to comply with the copyright law. The Library has created a flowchart to clarify the rules. So, before you upload a PDF in Brightspace: check, share & teach!
  • May 2, 2024
    College life in Wageningen during the Second World War: small exhibition
    For students at the Agricultural College in Wageningen, the Second World War was a disruptive period and is still remembered in many places. WUR Library's Special Collections houses numerous documents and items dating from that period. A small exhibition on the 3rd floor of Forum Library displays several (copies) of these documents and items.
  • April 29, 2024
    Web of Science and Scopus | Search discrepancies explained
    Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection and Scopus are sometimes thought to be similar databases. However, they have important differences in coverage, indexing and search functionalities. In this article, information specialist Ria Derkx outlines the differences and shares tips to address discrepancies in search results.
  • April 29, 2024
    Your voice shapes the Library: Library improvements coming soon
    Last month, we reached out to students to gather their feedback on how we can enhance the Library space. In this article, you can read more about the planned improvements.
  • April 23, 2024
    New & renewed literature databases
    This article updates you on the latest Library subscriptions and collection developments. As of 1 March, WUR staff and students have access to Nature Today, Repbase, PsycInfo, PsycArticles and EBSCO's Psychology and behavioral sciences collection.
  • April 23, 2024
    Plant virus researchers and WUR Library join forces
    Over the past two years, plant virus researchers from the Laboratory of Virology and the Biointeractions and Plant Health group have joined forces with WUR Library to build a database on transmission modes and vectors of plant viruses. The database is based on over 3500 publications spanning 100 years of plant virus research.
  • April 16, 2024
    Meditation course in Forum Library
    From 6 to 10 May, Spectrum is organising a 5-day meditation course during lunchtime in Forum Library. It is open for beginning and experienced meditators.
  • April 16, 2024
    New guide on predatory and questionable publishing practices
    At the Library Dialogue on questionable publishing last fall, researchers emphasized the need for clearer guidelines and more information on selecting reliable journals for publication. Open access experts from four Dutch universities have now written a practical guide on how to avoid questionable and predatory journals.
  • April 16, 2024
    Library website: navigation menu update
    WUR is currently implementing a new website menu. To do this, we've temporarily removed the familiar navigation menu on our homepage. We expect the new library menu will soon be fully implemented. The new design aims to improve navigation and findability of the content on the Library's website.
  • April 11, 2024
    New copyright statement guidelines for WUR reports
    Selecting the right copyright statement for research reports can be tricky. The Library, along with Corporate Legal and Corporate Communications, created clear guidelines and a flowchart to assist researchers in selecting the appropriate copyright statement for research reports.
  • April 4, 2024
    Launching the refreshed "Get it!" form
    On 4 April, WUR Library launched a revised "Get it!" form. You come across the Get it! button, when you're searching for literature in WUR Library Search, Scopus, Google Scholar or other bibliographic databases.
  • March 28, 2024
    Lecture on Professor T.H. Thung
    On 24 April 2024, Frans Glissenaar will give a lecture on the life of Professor Thung (1897-1960). The lecture is part of the extended exhibition Fascinating Viruses at Special Collections. We're pleased to inform you that the exhibition is now also available online. In this news article, you'll find more information on the lecture and online exhibition.
  • March 20, 2024
    Facts & Figures WUR Library 2023
    What are the top 5 journals with the highest number of downloaded articles, how many searches were executed in WUR Library Search and what percentage of peer-reviewed articles have been published Open Access? We've gathered these 2023 key facts and figures in a compact summary.
  • March 19, 2024
    Should I put an embargo on my PhD thesis?
    WUR's Open Access policy requires making your PhD thesis publicly available in the PhD theses repository. Do you want to publish one or more chapters of your PhD thesis in a scientific journal? Some journals have rules about publishing material that has already been made publicly available elsewhere. Consider putting an embargo on the full-text availability of your thesis.
  • March 14, 2024
    “Without SciFinder-n, I wouldn't be able to do my job”
    A new series explores how WUR researchers and teachers value and use the Library's literature databases that are central to WUR’s research domains. First up: Scifinder-n, a database for scientific literature and information in chemistry and related fields. Collection specialist Corrie Snijder and two researchers share their experiences.
  • March 13, 2024
    Speed up your systematic review with ASReview LAB
    Doing a systematic review means you need to thoroughly search in multiple databases to find all relevant literature on your topic. This often results in thousands of potentially relevant publications. Reading the titles and abstracts to identify publications that meet your inclusion criteria can be time consuming. ASReview LAB can assist you in screening and selecting publications more rapidly.
  • February 15, 2024
    Library Dialogue | How can we open up our education at WUR?
    On 5 March, WUR Library is organising a round-table discussion on Open Education. What’s WUR’s vision for Open Education? What are the practical issues that teachers run into when adopting open teaching and learning methods? And what infrastructure and solutions are available to open up our education at WUR? Your opinion is important! WUR teachers, staff and students are cordially invited to join the dialogue and share their experiences.
  • February 5, 2024
    Pilot learning trajectory information literacy
    Last December, the pilot project ‘Information Literacy Learning Trajectory in the BSc Forest and Nature Conservation’, was completed. The project aimed to design and pilot a new learning trajectory for information literacy. The new trajectory enables students to become information literate step by step and can be easily implemented in other bachelor programmes as well.
  • February 2, 2024
    New journals and databases in 2024
    This article updates you on the latest Library subscriptions and collection developments. These include national, large-scale read-and-publish (R&P) agreements coordinated by Surf, along with tailored bilateral subscriptions.
  • February 2, 2024
    Is research data protected by copyright?
    Published research data allow you to search for and find data to reuse in your research. However, even though the data are publicly and openly available, they may still be copyright protected. Thus, their licence, i.e. terms of use, should be adhered to. In this article, we explain more about the specifics of copyright on data.
  • February 1, 2024
    The making of the new portrait gallery
    For a few years now, WUR Library has been managing WUR's artworks and academic heritage collection. In recent months, we carried out the redesign of the portrait gallery in Omnia. In this article, we show how the portraits were removed and replaced.
  • February 1, 2024
    Are you missing credits in your Tenure Track credit calculation?
    The Library often receives questions from researchers about credit calculation for Tenure Track reports. This article briefly explains the publication metrics the credit calculation is based on and why you sometimes may miss credits.
  • January 30, 2024
    Find your ideal study spot in Forum Library
    As period 4 kicks off, let’s have a quick look at the different study places in the Forum Library. From group study rooms for collaborative projects to comfortable study pods for individual focus, with its varied layout, the Library always has a study place to meet your needs.
  • January 19, 2024
    WUR Software Management Plan template available
    Research software (computer code, statistical packages, scientific apps, etc.) plays a crucial role in scientific research and has become a key research output. The Library has recently developed a Software Management Plan template. It offers researchers a structured approach to implementing good software management practices.
  • December 21, 2023
    WUR Library stops issuing ISBNs
    As of 1 January 2024, WUR Library will no longer issue ISBNs for reports, dissertations or books. An ISBN is no longer required for PhD theses and the doctoral degree regulations have been changed accordingly. For most WUR publications, a DOI has replaced the function of the ISBN.
  • December 19, 2023
    Winner announcement ORCID lottery
    More than 450 researchers entered the Library's ORCID lottery. On Monday, 18 December, Library director Hubert Krekels drew the winning ORCID numbers. Thank you all for participating and for using ORCID as a persistent researcher identifier.
  • December 11, 2023
    New in the collection: IEEE journals
    As of 1 January 2024, WUR students and staff have access to all journals, standards and conference proceedings from IEEE Xplore. IEEE Xplore is a digital platform for scientific and technical content on electrical engineering, computer science, and related disciplines. view_News
  • December 11, 2023
    New Taverne regulation – short scientific work by WU authors by default open access
    Starting 1 January 2024, short scientific publications by WU authors will be shared open access by default in Research@WUR. The new workflow is easier and requires fewer administrative actions from WU authors. In addition, it's expected that more publications will become open access. Read here what the updated workflow means for you.
  • December 8, 2023
    How to depict artificial intelligence?
    Finding an image to illustrate your work on artificial intelligence (AI) can be challenging. You need an image that conveys the right message and is also copyright free. Many images of AI on the internet create and reinforce AI stereotypes. The consortium Better images of AI aims to provide images that are more realistic, diverse and helpful.
  • December 7, 2023
    Empowering Lignin research with a WikiLignin
    In a collaborative project with researchers from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, the Library used its expertise in literature searching and bibliographic databases to create a robust knowledge-sharing platform within the LignoCOST Network.
  • December 6, 2023
    Nematodes in WUR Image Collections
    In the course of their work, researchers from WUR's Laboratory of Nematology took high-resolution pictures of hundreds of nematode (roundworm) species. The pictures for the new Nematode Picture Gallery in the WUR Image Collections were selected based on ecological and agronomical relevance, and morphological beauty!
  • December 1, 2023
    RDM support: wrap-up of 2023, plans for 2024 & expert tips
    RDM support looks back at an interactive and very productive year. We supported many researchers and expanded the WUR data steward community. In this article, we highlight our main activities and plans for 2024. We've also gathered some tips along the way that we’d like to share.
  • November 24, 2023
    Collections in the spotlight: cookbooks
    In the series Collection in the Spotlight, we’re taking a closer look at exciting databases and the Library's hidden gems. This month, we’re discussing our cookbooks collection, a big favourite of Corrie Snijder, collection specialist of WUR Library.
  • November 6, 2023
    Library Lecture | Can systematic literature review benefit from artificial intelligence?
    On 13 December 2023, WUR Library is organising a lecture & discussion on using Artificial Intelligence in systematic review. Internal and external experts will share their experiences with AI tools in systematic reviews. Please register before 5 December to join us for the lecture and lunch.
  • October 30, 2023
    Online bookshelf: Well-being
    Studying and preparing for exams can be quite stressful as any student knows. In the Library you can find a small collection of encouraging books to help boost your happiness and well-being. The books are all chosen and recommended by the Surf your Stress team.
  • October 27, 2023
    Is your ORCID iD the lucky number?
    In December 2023, WUR Library is organising an ORCID lottery to stimulate researchers to get an ORCiD iD and connect it with Pure. All WUR researchers with an ORCID iD can participate and have a chance to win a €50 book voucher or a personalized mug with their unique ORCID.
  • October 26, 2023
    Search tip: Use of generative AI in Web of Science
    Web of Science (WoS) has implemented generative AI in its search interface. This search tip will teach you how the AI enabled search in WoS works and what to be aware of when using it.
  • October 25, 2023
    Exhibition Fascinating Viruses: Prof. T.H.Thung, the first professor in Virology
    The Library's Special Collections have recently acquired the archives of Professor Dr T.H. (Hiang) Thung (1897-1960) and his wife, Fernanda Louise Willekes MacDonald (1893-1980). Our new exhibition Fascinating Viruses, highlights the work of this pioneering scientist.
  • October 23, 2023
    Springer Nature Open Access quota soon to be reached
    The 2023 maximum for free-of-charge open access publishing in Springer Nature journals is expected to be reached on 7 November 2023. Once the quota is reached, WUR authors will have to pay the Article Processing Charges (APCs).
  • October 23, 2023
    Collections in the spotlight: Nobel prize winners
    In the series Collections in the Spotlight, we’re discussing the literature on the Nobel Prize in the Library collection, a favourite of WUR Library employee Alex de Kruijff.
  • October 23, 2023
    Study comfortably: 110 new monitors in Forum Library
    Last month, we installed 110 new monitors in the Forum Library. The new monitors are more energy efficient than the older ones and have a built-in HDMI connector. In the coming weeks, we’ll be asking students what they think of both the new screens and the Library's study places.
  • October 11, 2023
    EndNote 21
    You can now download EndNote 21 from the WUR software center. EndNote 21 is the latest version and includes a few new features.
  • October 6, 2023
    Wageningen Model and Data Day 2023
    On 16 November, the Wageningen Model & Data Day 2023 will take place. The event is organised by the Wageningen Modelling Group and WUR's Data Steward Network.
  • September 29, 2023
    Online exhibition of Stories Plants Tell: Flora Batava 1800-1934
    You can now also visit the exhibition on the Flora Batava online. It includes not only the original botanical drawings but also contributions from WUR authors to the reprint edition.
  • September 18, 2023
    Online bookshelf: diversity & inclusion
    Diversity & Inclusion Week 2-6 Oct. 2023 | Wageningen University & Research aims to create an inclusive culture in which all groups and individuals feel welcome. WUR Library has recently acquired several practical books to promote awareness of diversity and inclusion.
  • September 15, 2023
    Now available: Open Science: a practical guide for early-career researchers
    This practical guide is aimed at PhD candidates, research master students, and early-career researchers from all academic disciplines at Dutch universities and research institutes. It's aim is to motivate young researchers and to help them to practise Open Science, by sharing all aspects of their research as openly as possible.
  • September 6, 2023
    Use of images in PowerPoints
    It is easy to unintentionally infringe copyright when you use images in a PowerPoint. Our copyright expert provides tips to avoid copyright breaches.
  • September 1, 2023
    Groen Kennisnet milestone: 500,000th item in the knowledge bank
    Last month, Groen Kennisnet added the half-millionth item to its knowledge bank. It is a brochure from the organisation Boerennatuur Vlaanderen. Groen Kennisnet offers the largest Dutch collection of up-to-date and reliable knowledge items for the agricultural, food and green domains.
  • September 1, 2023
    Collections in the spotlight: CAB Abstracts
    In this newsletter, we’re taking a closer look at CAB Abstracts. This is the principal database for literature in the fields of agriculture, environment, and applied life sciences and a big favourite of Corrie Snijder, collection specialist at WUR Library.
  • September 1, 2023
    Analysing the impact of your research on policy
    WUR researchers now have access to the Impact module of SciVal. You can use it to find out how your research has shaped or influenced certain policies. The Impact module provides data on research publications cited in policy documents.
  • August 28, 2023
    FAIR data fund: FAIR-ifying research data
    This year, WUR researchers can apply for the 4TU FAIRData Fund. The fund offers financial aid to cover the costs of FAIR-ifying existing research data. The maximum award is €3,500.
  • August 16, 2023
    Thirty new drawings on view in the Flora Batava exhibition
    Have you already visited the exhibition Stories Plants Tell: Flora Batava 1800-1934? Until 15 October, you can visit the sequel of the exhibition with 30 new drawings. We look forward to seeing you!
  • August 8, 2023
    New round of the NWO Open Science Fund
    The Fund aims to support projects specifically designed to implement and stimulate Open Science practices. For this second call of 2023, a total of € 1.5 million is available, with a maximum of € 50,000 per project (up to a one-year duration). The submission deadline is 26 September.
  • July 4, 2023
    Library dialogues | a new series of round table discussions
    The world of scientific information, communication and publishing is undergoing considerable changes. WUR Library is organising a new "Library Dialogues" series to foster discussion on the implications for research and education. The first Library dialogue is about the possibly questionable behaviour of specific publishers and takes place on 12 October in Aurora, room B9242+B9248.
  • July 3, 2023
    A new research portal for the Netherlands on OpenAIRE
    This week, UKB, SURF and OpenAIRE are launching a new research portal for the Netherlands on OpenAIRE Connect. The portal covers the publications, datasets and projects of research institutes in the Netherlands.
  • June 29, 2023
    Detecting AI-generated texts with Turnitin
    WUR students are expected to avoid plagiarism by writing original texts for their assignments, reports and thesis. To detect plagiarism, WUR teachers use Turnitin. Turnitin has recently introduced a new AI detection module that detects if a text may have been written by AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT.
  • June 29, 2023
    Yes, you can! Negotiate with your publisher over copyright
    Publishing often means transferring your copyright to the publisher. Did you know that you are allowed to negotiate the publishing contract?
  • June 28, 2023
    Research.com rankings reviewed
    Research.com is a platform that publishes a ranking of scientists in their specific discipline. Several WUR researchers were highly ranked in the second edition of their rankings. In this article, we review this ranking and provide some advice on how to use it.
  • June 16, 2023
    Collections in the spotlight: eBooks on tourism
    In the series Collection in the Spotlight, we’re taking a closer look at exciting databases and hidden gems in our collections. This month, we’re discussing the Elgar Tourism eBook collection, a big favourite of Martin Slabbertje, a collection specialist of WUR Library.
  • June 15, 2023
    Exhibition with work from Orestis Spyrou
    Orestis Spyrou is a graduate of the master's programme Biosystems Engineering at Wageningen University & Research. His academic interest is in digital twins, extended realities, and artificial intelligence. In his free time, he likes to paint. His paintings are now on display in the glass cabinet on the 3rd floor of the Forum Library until the end of September 2023.
  • June 12, 2023
    Research@WUR reaches milestone: over 300,000 Research Outputs and counting
    Research@WUR recently reached a milestone. WUR has now more than 300,000 publications in its repository. Currently over one-third of the research output is Open Access and completely free and available to anyone to read.
  • June 5, 2023
    Vacancies scientific information specialist & application manager RDM
    There are several vacancies for a Specialist academic information within WUR Library. We're also looking for an Application manager Research Data Management.
  • May 16, 2023
    Tool tip: Tools for a literature review or systematic review
    Planning to do a systematic review or an extensive literature review? There are tools to help you with screening and selecting publications. In this article, we’ll discuss two free tools that can help you with reviewing.
  • May 16, 2023
    Stories Plants Tell: Flora Batava 1800-1934
    In June this year, a new edition of the key work of Dutch botany is published. It includes stories of Wageningen scientists. Special Collections celebrates this with an exhibition on the Flora Batava: Stories Plants Tell.
  • May 8, 2023
    Collections in the spotlight: Flowers of the Brazilian forest
    In the Collection in the Spotlight series, we’re taking a closer look at exciting databases and hidden gems in our collections. This month, we’re discussing Flowers of the Brazilian forest, [31 paintings by Margaret Mee], a big favourite of Corrie Snijder, collection specialist at WUR Library.
  • March 24, 2023
    New printers in the Library: everything you need to know
    Last month, brand new printers were installed in the Library. These multifunction printers (MFPs) are not only faster and more efficient but also environmentally friendly! In this article, we walk you through all the different printing services and facilities available to you.
  • March 13, 2023
    Can ChatGPT do my literature search for me?
    Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has become increasingly popular. To help you make informed decisions about its use, we're taking a closer look at the usefulness of ChatGPT in discovering, evaluating and citing scientific information.
  • February 6, 2023
    Can you credit ChatGPT as a co-author?
    Many scientists are playing around with ChatGPT and are testing the program's functionalities. Some publishers have taken a stand on how authors may use ChatGPT in their publications.
  • February 6, 2023
    Cite and refer to images and figures with EndNote
    Did you know that you should reference any images, graphs, or other figures that you re-use in your work? This also applies to photographs and figures you find on free-to-pick websites. EndNote has a feature to store images and figures and create references and in-text citations.
  • January 17, 2023
    Access to the Financieele Dagblad through the FD app
    Since last year, WUR staff and students have had access to Het Financieele Dagblad. Many colleagues use the FD app to read the newspaper. To maintain access, you need to log in via the Library every three months. After your login information is verified, you can use the FD app again.