
Do you have ideas for a special alumni activity? Apply for financial support from the KLV Fund! You can apply for support for one-off activities and new initiatives that help alumni strengthen their knowledge and skills in the WUR domains. This way, together we ensure expertise development in education, research and policy-making to address important social issues.


Activities that are eligible for support from the KLV-Fund must contribute to at least one of the following sub-goals:

  • Stimulating/facilitating social debate and dialogue within the domain of Wageningen University & Research.
  • Developing new forms of (access to) alumni networks.
  • Developing new forms for active dialogue and cooperation within or between the domains of Wageningen University & Research and the Study Circles and Networks.
  • Developing new forms of generic career support for alumni.

In addition, the activity or initiative must be a one-off or be in the start-up phase. The fund does not provide structural support for activities or programmes.

    Application form


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    Details activity 





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